And now - the exams. A usual test contains 45-60 questions, and you are given 2-4.5 hours to answer them. As a rule you have enough time, but you shouldn't think long over each question - you may run out of time. The questions can be long, short and not quite short; with active content (there you are to click or drag something somewhere) and with pictures and schemes. You are allowed to use the embedded calculator, and that's useful when finding the answer to a question about network masks and so on. Unlike the Novell exams the Microsoft ones don't contain idiotic questions for people with photographic memory, for example, "what is displayed at that part of window in that mode?", but it doesn't help you. Some questions are composed in such a way that you can't give a definite answer, i.e. there is more than one correct answer in the suggested variants, and there can be no correct answers. In this case you are to think the way the exams creators think and try to recollect what is written in the official course and at the Technet site. Such tricks have initiated and will initiate fair critics towards Microsoft, but nothing has changed so far and as it is said, "master is master".
Now about preparing for the exams. If you don't have an opportunity to take the chosen course at a learning centre you must do your best to get either the official course book or books from MS Press, Syngress, O'Reilly and other useful issues, if you try you can find them in the internet. Then it is useful to find trying exams from Transcender, Boson. Testking offers questions and answers from the exams with explanations for money. So called "dumps" are especially popular, they can be found at sites such as this. The dumps are of great use, of course, but you shouldn't rely on them for 100%, there are not all the questions and not all the answers are correct!
What else can be advised? Don't be nervous (all examinees are nervous for the first time), keep "your brains cold and your heart - hot". Read the question and the suggested answers in the most thorough way - they are often composed so that it is easy to miss something important. If you don't know the correct answer don't worry, very often you can choose the right variant by means of exclusion, although you must know the given topic well. If you can't choose the correct answer for a long time or unsure of it don't waste your time - put a mark in the "Mark" field - later you'll return to it if you have time. The passing score is 700 out of 1000 in the most exams (sometimes the passing score is less), it means that it possible for you to be wrong in 30% of cases, so it's not all so bad. Good luck in your exams!